Hi everyone!

Vera Gizatulina
2 min readJan 28, 2020

Today I would like to tell you about my stage experience.

To tell the truth I do not have much experience in it because I’m not very talented and I have a fear of performing on stage. During school years I had to perform with my classmates because I didn’t want to be a black sheep in the class due to my unwillingness. Still, there was one performance that I liked and enjoyed a lot.

My first memorable performance I experienced at 11th grade at the last call. My classmates and I prepared a flash mob using popular songs of 2017. I cannot express how much I enjoyed the process of preparation and the rehearsals. This brought us together with my classmates. Yes, everything got on our nerves when something went wrong and the situation got out of control. When somebody could not learn the movements or just didn’t like it…Well, it was difficult but it was worth it!

At the performance we felt like world famous dancers because no one mixed up the order of movements and everyone did everything in time and synchronously.

Here are a couple of photos from that day :)

(The second one is the “best” one because of the bouquet of flowers of our teacher)

Thanks for reading this post💘

Best regards,


