Vera Gizatulina
1 min readSep 25, 2017


Discoveries and disappointments

Today I want to share with you my discoveries and disappointments as you understand.

First of all, at the last week we had the first Latin lesson. It was a little bit hard at the beginning but then we learnt some grammar and could translate words and sentences📖🖊Before the lesson I thought that this language will be boring but my expectations did not materialize🙌🏻

Also we had lesson with seniors. It was wonderful experience😍 It is very friendly people. They prepared for us some English exercises and at the end of our lesson they gave us a certificate🔽🙊

Well, it were the best moments of the pass week. Next you will learn my fail.

The biggest disappointment at the last week was my presentation. To be honest with you,I want to say that I didn’t understand the assignment on the website fully. To be more precise, I didn’t understand that we must present our speech for audience. And, as a result, I received bad grade. I am absolutely sad about it😿

So, this is all the information I wanted to share with you. Thank you for your attention, guys✌🏻

Catch you later👋🏻 All the love💗

